[Figures made by clouds] on June 8th of 2016 The celestial beings drew three figures with the clouds: a Sirian (humanoids that look like lion), a feathered serpent, and a Reptilian. [Firefly in the city] on June of 2016 I was on a walk at dawn. A bright small light flew towards me, and I thought it was a firefly. I caught it, and put it in my hand to watch it closely. My experience told me this ..

[A failed plan of Korean war] on August 13th of 2015 One of the main issues in Korea at this time was the underground tunnels made by North Korea, which were discovered recently. The reserve general Han Seong Ju claimed this to me as preparation for (the future) Korean war, and had warned the public about the threat of North Korea. I was listening to his lecture on the internet, and my intuition..

[Messages from the White-angels on November 22th of 2014] I was operating a ‘meditation room’ 5km away from my home. I decorated this place to focus solely on my meditation. It was quite a rainy day, but it was not raining around the meditation room. After the usual meditation session, I stared at the sky. Suddenly, two White-angel-airplane came into my sight and drew a cross using its contrail...

[Encounter of Archangel Michael and White-angels] on 2014 This was an important day for my spiritual awakening. At around 4~5 AM, my soul left my body to greet somebody. I was in a white room, and five spiritual beings with white brilliant aurora approached me. I said, ‘Nice to meet you...’ and then my memory was wiped out. I felt I knew these beings, and when they approached, their energy radia..

Heavenly Guidance and Teachings 3 2014 My spiritual Awakening 2014 was the year I found out my identity. The following were the events that led to my acknowledgment. 1) Encounter of Ningishzida I have met a woman who claimed to be the incarnation of Ningishzida. She was in her 40s, and she had a special paranormal sense. When she saw me, she told me that I was 'Alalu' in my past life. Sumerian (..

2009: Experiencing the Light Tunnel During Prayal My wife was diagnosed with thyroid cancer unexpectedly during her work and had to undergo surgery. At that time, I was studying the Bible and was reading the book "Heaven and Hell" by Swedenborg. While she entered the surgery room, I sat on a couch in the waiting room and started to pray for her. Since I did not have any religion, I was just pray..

“Why does this event happened to me?” “Why do I often see UFOs and frequently have dreams related to UFOs?” “Who am I?” These are one of the questions I have asked myself, and I always wondered why paranormal phenomena had to happen to me. Indeed, I had to personally go through extraordinary things before I realized that I was Christ Michael - the Creator of the Universe of Nebadon- born as the ..
My precognitive dream: The End of the World In 2008, I had a vivid, lucid dream where I saw the end of the world, and it is as follows. Many people were going up the mountain. People were grouped according to their religions, and those without religion were grouped into families. These people flocked to the mountains to escape the tsunami that recently happened, and today was the fateful day whe..

Welcome to my blog. I strongly recommend you search my name, 'Christ Michael' on Google and YouTube and see the results. As you can see, you may not find what you expect- only similar terms that will show up in the results. The real content and the true information are hidden and not searchable. I have uploaded about 80 video contents on YouTube and other social media, and hundreds of posts in t..
If you have come across this blog, search for 'Christ Michael' on Google or YouTube right now. All content related to me will be erased or hidden and will not appear. I uploaded about 80 videos on YouTube, and there are many posts on this blog, but they are not searched at all. What does this mean? What are they afraid of that they have to erase Christ Michael? In order to block out the light, t..