티스토리 뷰


We live in a material world where light realizes the holographic space we see.

The Bible mentions the concept of light, where it was the first invention of God-the-Creator (God-of-all-Source.)


‘And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.’ -Genesis 1:3


So light was created though his words. God-Creator (God-Source) created everything through his words.

Due to the low level of consciousness and preventing the misuse of cosmic energy, we humans , the ‘smaller’ creators, have a limited ability of creation through words.


We live in a material world that exists to train the young souls that have been created.

The holographic world is a world of illusion, where God is the playwright that has created the scenario from the beginning to the end. Thus, this story has an end, and there is a future in it.

The characters are not fixed (they have the freedom of choice), so the ending can change according to the consciousness of the protagonists.


The material universe is a world where there is a limitation of space and time. Thus distance exists and time cannot be manipulated. Because of the nature of low-vibratory energy, this world can be worked out through lies rather than truth. This means you can deceive others by expressing lies differently from your heart.

This universe consists of 5% visible 95% invisible parts.


So is time-travel ever possible?


Yes, time-travel is possible because the whole scenario is complete. For example, let’s say the whole scenario is a movie. We can scan and scroll to the end to see the ending part because the movie is all complete. This holographic universe is just like a movie. However, not anyone can have access to the timeline.


If somebody tries to time-travel, the instant another material universe will be created. Thus, the time-traveler would be going to a different time of a universe that parallels the original one. The newly created parallel universe does not have the time-traveler’s past or its past form because he/she has moved out the timeline.


There is the ‘Time Lord’ who governs the holographic material universe. This universe is an illusion and a false world. Therefore, the players (the souls) must abide by the rules created by the Lord in order to participate and experience it, just like in the movie ‘The Matrix.’


There are about 6500 holographic universes open due to the time-travelers. One day, the Time Lord will unite them into one, which will make future time travel impossible.


Therefore, we live in a virtual-reality world made by the hologram of the light. If there is a time-traveler, he/she would travel to a ‘new’ world that parallels the universe they have been living in, not on the same one. This is called the parallel universe theory.


I have never time-traveled, but I have experienced the world opened by other time-travelers, on the current timeline, in 2018 and 2020. At that time, I could not notice I was in a ‘different’ world. In September of 2018 I met a woman who was incarnated as an earthling from the Orion constellation. She was one of the daughters of the Holy Spirit, who guarded the Orion constellation, and also my ‘space partner.’Later on I realized that I had met and spent the time with her in a different (parallel) universe. I noticed I was in a ‘different’ universe while I was walking on a road I was familiar with. The road was in a different shape, and was leading in a different direction. At that time I just simply thought it was strange.


A new hobby, collecting cool-stones, made me fascinated during 2020. One day I was looking at the satellite map and was looking for a river with a gravel field. I followed the routes, visited there and collected a stone. Later on the same day I re-opened the map and I found a different landscape of the same place! I have then noticed I have gone to another universe to collect the stone. This is the stone I have found:


Doesnt it look like a planet seen from the space? I still do not know how I managed to travel to the parallel universe.

Please read this article!


Now is the time for purification.(exorcism etc)

Now is the time for purification. It has become easy to see ghosts or any paranormal phenomena through internet broadcasting systems such as Youtube. Also, it has been much easier to capture (and record) them and also manipulate them better than the past.


Christ Michael