티스토리 뷰
The tales of Lemuria and Atlantis civilization are actually true cultures that existed on Earth.
Lemuria was a colonization of the Light Forces. It involved most of the continent in the Pacific Ocean we know today, from China, Korea, Japan, Australia to Hawaii. These were once a single continent.
Lemurian people enjoyed the peace of mind, lived by the divine law, and encouraged spiritual growth. It was also the first place where the humankind was seeded but ultimately failed. The first attempt happened about 4500,000 years ago, and was destroyed by the Reptilian and Dinosaur alien attacks. The second trial happened about 900,000 years ago, but all died during the Galactic wars. The third trial was the story of ‘Adam and Eve,’ which were all wiped out due to the fall of human consciousness and the nuclear war between Atlantis.

Currently, traces of the Lemurian civilization are found everywhere in China. They are grouped and called ‘Hongsan civilization’ by the Chinese.
This civilization can be summarized according to the relics they produced: the culture started to use brilliant crystals at first, then black-coated jades flourished, followed by the jade culture.
Lemurian Civilization is not widely known to the public because the Dark forces had to hide the truth. This was the civilization where Ishkur(Adad) - the god of thunder and storm, the former life of Christ Michael, the representation of Yahweh (the God in the Bible)- influenced this civilization. Also, the former members of Atlantis, who eventually used nuclear weapons that doomed both civilizations, were the former Dark Illuminati.
The Darkness have banned the information about Lemuria, so few people know the existence of it. We have learnt about the ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilization ,but never learnt anything about the ultra-ancient civilization that once flourished on Earth, regarding just as a theory with no proof. The Dark forces have blocked it, so all traces of the truly splendid Lemurian civilization, which were established by the Galactic Federation of Light, are completely covered and say it was non-existent.
Lemurian civilization is the start of the Dongyi people: the ancestors of the Koreans. For Illuminati, it is crucial to hide the roots of the Koreans so nobody will be against them. The people of the Light, Dongyi, had once conquered the whole continent until the space invaders came in and erased all information. Korea, the descendents of the Light forces, has to wake up and arise again, and return the world to where it has to be.
Korea will become the center of the world in the near future, and this will be the reward for the people of Light who once loved peace.

Lemurians were an advanced race of with 5th dimensional consciousness. They crafted gemstones with high frequency, such as crystals, topaz, agate and turquoise. Most gemstones, including crystals, have vibratory frequency over 5th dimension. If you possess this mineral with you, it will help you achieve awakening, and improve your health.
Crystals are minerals that can be used as a communicator with the spiritual dimension, and contain energy that can be used as an energy source in the future. As technology advances, we may be able to use crystals to help cure disease and enrich our daily life. All of this would take place after the end of the Dark colonization.
Representation of God in Lemurian Culture

This statue represents Ishkur(Adad), which will later represent the biblical God Yahweh, which drew directly from Ishkur. A bull pattern is engraved on the bottom, and Chinese scholars call it Sanxingdui(三星堆) .
The majority of the remaining relics of Lemuria are found in China, so the names are mostly based in Chinese perspective. They call it ‘Hongshan civilization’ and deny the existence of Lemuria. The relics are named literally, by their looks, which are basically based on ignorance. For example, the relics that represent God-the-Creator(God of all Source) is called ‘pig-dragon’ because its shape looks like a mixture of pig and dragon, and the Eternal Son is called ‘Statue of bull god’ and so on.

The cloud shape is similar to the Christ Michael relic below. These clouds were made by the angels in heaven, and aided me to find my true identity.
Most Paradise sons, the Michaels, have the looks of a cute calf, human, or any other animals, but there is one thing in common: they all look humble and innocent, like a child. Thus, it is true you cannot ‘go to heaven’ without becoming ‘like a child.’

This relic above is made with jade coated with black ‘ink.’ Specifically, the black ink contains about 25 different metallic substances in order to prevent corrosion but also to give magnetism, in order to communicate with the Earth’s magnetic field. This creation was made to replace meteorites, because they were scarce.
The magnetic field allows us to record our thoughts, words, actions and and also the driving force of the mind. You have to know that our memories are not just recorded in our brain cortex. It is a combination of chemistry, and ultimately involves some kind of magnetism.
Let me explain the relic above. The top represents the God-Creator (Universal Father), middle part represents the Eternal Son (Universal Mother) and the lower part consists of Paradise Sons known as Michaels, who govern the local universes. As you can see, Lemurians lived in assimilation with God, in the 5th dimensional consciousness until they became immersed themselves in the material world, gradually declining their consciousness and becoming corrupted. Ultimately, their conscious level declined after the war with the Atlantis Empire.
Once a brilliant civilization, Lemuria eventually perished due to the nuclear attack of the Atlantis Empire, and the Lemurians who managed to survive the attack fled to the underground Earth and built an underground civilization of Shambhala, which is passed down as a mystery today. The hollow earth theory is not a false theory, and the world of underground civilization does exist.

This picture above represents Buddha’s head, and was made approximately 10 to 25 thousand years ago.
Is this the familiar Buddha Siddhartha image you know?
He is not Siddhartha. This being is the image of 'Sanat Kumara', who is called 'the ancient one,' who came to Earth from Venus to enlighten the primitive earthlings in the time of Adam and Eve's Genesis. He is a being of the origin of the Buddha, and is a being in the same rank as God-Creator. The God of the Garden of Eden was actually Sanat Kumara.

This relic shows a human worshiping God-Creator (God-Source.)
It represents assimilation with God, who exists as conscious energy without form. The figurative expression of God-Creator is the spiral universe, and also the early stage of development of embryonic cells when all life is born. That is why the Chinese call the figure representing God as ‘embryo dragon.’ Because the source of life is God, we have no choice but to resemble Him. In the work, we can get a glimpse of the Lemurians' earnest desire to worship God and get closer to God.

This relic above represents the ‘Eternal Son’ of God-Creator and God-Source, known as Universal Mother. The Chinese call this shape a ‘statue of bull-god,’ which is also a misnomer.
I met this being when I was 14 years old. At that time, I was under recovery from a major operation. On a sunny morning, this deity came in front of me, and it was surrounded by sunlight. I saw this being with my spiritual eyes, and I still remember that moment clearly. Even though I was young, I felt she was a high-ranked being from space. I felt that I knew this deity from my heart. Since Yahweh (the Biblical God) is represented as a golden calf, his mother must be a cow(or bull, since Korean and Chinese do not differentiate the name according to the sex of the animal) . My character resembles my Universal Mother more than my Universal Father.
Animals are Avatars from Space
All animals that exist on earth have the same divine beings that look the same somewhere in the universe. In other words, the animals you see on this Earth are all ‘avatars’ that represent their deities. Think about me: I represent the bull(cow). I bet there is no other animal that lives better than a cow/bull. It does not harm other animals, and is a herbivore that sacrifices every part to provide us with flesh (meat) , skin(leather), force(in the field) , milk and so on. It is considered as a martyr’s animal. God is just like the bull(cow) who provides us with everything, and you can find this animal everywhere in the material universe.
Is God Female or Male?
You have to understand that gods have both sexes in one.
Thus, technically, calling God-Creator (God-Source) as Universal Father (Heavenly Father) and his/her only son/daughter, the ‘Eternal Son’ as Universal Mother (Heavenly Mother) is actually incorrect. However, since we live in a world where two genders exist, we use these terms so that ‘we’ can understand the concept better. Also, our divine self does not have a specific sex.
We live in a material world where we experience polarity, duality-consciousness, such as man vs woman, light vs dark, positive vs negative, good vs bad and so on. In other words, all humans have their twin-soul of different sex somewhere in the world.
With this in mind, we can infer there must be the ‘female’ version of Michael, which is ‘Michaela,’ who has the female energy of Christ Michael.
Meditation for Spiritual Growth and Buddha
This statue represents Christ Michael (shape of calf) worshiping the God of all Source (God-creator.) The fire-like halo around him is the protection from higher beings so that the Dark forces in the dimensional world would not interfere during meditation.
Lemurians lived a spiritual life. Spiritual growth was one of their missions of life, and I recommend you do the same in your daily routine. But always remember to protect yourself from the darkness.
Everytime, before you undergo your meditation, ask an angel or an ascended master to protect you from the Dark forces and from low-graded beings. It is quite easy – just imagine yourself being surrounded by light, a capsule of light that covers all your body, and ask any angel or an ascended master to help with the process. That’s all that you need.
In my case, every-time I ask for help, I appear like the shape of a Buddha. Later on, I found out that God-Creator was the same as Buddha in the human consciousness. This concept is expressed as a golden calf (Yahweh) in the shape of Buddha, like above.
Cicadas are Messengers of God
This relic is very special to me. When I first saw it, my immediate thought was that cicada represents The God’s messenger, and later I proved I was right.
On February 6th of 2015, I got sleepy at around 5 PM. Suddenly, I was surrounded by white walls and I could not feel my body but just my self consciousness. There was a window, and a UFO came inside the room with white light. The UFO landed, and a gigantic cicada appeared in front of me and greeted me.
This ccada was shiny, and the color was white-gold. It put one of its forepaws on one of my eyes, and I felt yellow and green light rays entering my brain, just as if I was undergoing a treatment. Then, it quietly disappeared. It was an interesting experience. I still do not know what it exactly did to me, but I think it made me a channel to connect with God in the future.

If you study about Hongshan civilization, you will notice there are lots of relics with bull or calf figures (representing Michael) combined with cicada. Thus, I feel this event must be a very special one.
I am not just a Paradise Son or the owner and administrator of the Nebadon universe, but also the one with the power of the Holy Trinity and the representation of 666. Thus, I have the power of the God-Creator and I came to Earth as the executor of my mission, as the 666.
Achieving lasting peace in the universe begins with solving the problem on Earth.
The truth of UFO
The UFO that the cicada was riding was at least 6th dimension or above, and it does not exist on the material world. It is not just a spaceship, but also a being with life and with soul. Thus, even though its function is to carry someone and it looks like a metallic machine, it is actually an advanced life-form.
These UFOs are different from those who are made by the secret government: those anti-gravity metallic vehicles are just simply flying machines without life. Real UFOs are not only a transportation medium but also have a life with a spirit living in the 5th dimension or above, who can move between dimensions freely. You have to understand this concept so that you can understand the truth of the UFO phenomena.
Since UFOs are spiritual beings, you may be able to see them if you pray and wish for it dearly. UFOs are used to transport souls and soul-bodies in space.
Dongyi, the People of Lemuria

This realistic relic represents a couple, where the woman is in a pregnant state. As mentioned in the previous chapter, they are the ‘Lullus,’ and Lemurians are thought to be the descendants of the Lullus. They are expressed very realistically, but you can see that the body figure is a little different from that of modern people. The figures have no neck, are short-statured with bowed legs and the male figure's hair is tied up with a topknot, which was a very popular and familiar hairstyle of a Korean man in the past. In other words, they are the ancestors of Korea, who are so called to the people of Dongyi. The man’s hairstyle of topknot tradition had been continued for thousands of years till the 19th century of Korea.
The original Chinese letters we know are actually from the Dongyi people. Also, the past Korean history involves some parts of mainland China. Recent Chinese government amended their constitution to include all the history that happened in their mainland as theirs, saying that it is to ‘unify multi-ethnic states.’ One of the following projects was the ‘Northeast’, where parts of Korean history (Goguryeo, Balhe, Goryo and etc) that happened in the current mainland China are suddenly claimed to be the history of China. However, they had to deny the history of Lemuria because the roots of ancient China are different from those of Dongyi and Lemurians had a more advanced civilization than theirs. China wants to be the supreme country in Asia, so anything that claims to be better than China has to be hidden or discarded, which is why they are neglecting the so-called Hongshan civilization.
Involvement of Sirius in Lemurian Culture
This photo above shows the revelation of Yahweh, carved in a crystal statue. The words you see at the top are actually from Sirius. Therefore, this statue is made by the aliens of the star Sirius.
Crystals, Black Jade (Lemurian Jade) and other Jade crafts were in fact the artwork of the aliens from each star country, not by paleolithic humans. Since Illuminati denies the presence of aliens, they manipulated history in such a way that humans made all of these relics. The Dark forces and Illuminati are concerned about the situation in which these Lemurian relics become public. If they are known to the public, the whole history has to be rewritten, and their dominance will become threatened. That is why the archaeological world, who mostly receive financial support from the Dark powers, have to deny or avoid any comment related to these relics, and regard them as ‘fake.’
Currently, nobody can interpret the language of Sirians unless humans become spiritually in the 5th dimension. These letters actually look like picture diagrams like the Chinese letters, which can signify many things. Even though it may look like one letter, it can contain a book of interpretation, because crystals store vast amounts of information.

The figure-of-eight signifies the circulation of energy between God (the Creator) and Mother Earth. You can make a circulation of energy between God and Mother Earth during your meditation and or prayal session: when you become connected to God, you will feel the spiritual energy entering your forehead, and you can send it below, to Mother Earth, and receive her energy from the ground up and send it to God. This method will make you become a passage of light.
Humans are made to protect and manage the planet Earth and its life-forms within. However, since humans have become sinned and did not do their ‘job,’ the dolphins and other whales took over the task. The whales and humans have the same form of spirit, thus humans can be born as whales in the next life. That is one of the reasons we should not hunt whales.
Ascension of heaven does not depend on your belief in God. You have to believe him and also express your love to Mother Earth, who has enabled earthlings to live in the material world. Therefore, you have to make the energy circulation as a ‘figure-of-eight,’ sending God’s energy to Mother Earth and resending her energy to God. You are born though your Mother Earth, and your exit will be through her as well. Be thankful to Earth and repay her kindness and make sure you do not owe anything to her. You cannot leave Earth without repaying all the ‘debt’ you received from Mother Earth.

The statues above were made by the Sirians using black coated jade and black iron coated meteorites. It may look like an easy job, but to carve the stones and balance the weight so that those tiny feet stay in erect position requires advanced skills that are still hard to reproduce even in modern days.
It is a pity all of this artwork has been regarded as ‘fake’ or denied its presence. Since Dark forces- the malicious aliens from space - who invaded Earth and are still under control, they have to make sure no human knows the existence of extraterrestrials. If humans find out the truth, so will be the reality, which would become an imminent threat to their power.

These statues represent the Paradise Son, Christ Michael. The two relics on the ends are made from meteorites.
Gods do not look exactly like humans, and you should open your eyes and embrace all the looks of different life-forms with intelligence. God-Creator made diverse intelligent life-forms, and one of them is the humanoid type. The humanoid comprises about 40% of the total intelligent life-form. Thus, the majority of the ‘aliens’ may look quite unfamiliar or ‘strange’ from a human's perspective.
I want to tell you one thing: humans on Earth are the ones with the lowest level of spiritual consciousness and are more evil in nature. You may not believe my words, but in the universal perspective, humans still cannot travel in space (compared to other ‘aliens’) and still live in the third dimensional material world and they haven’t evolved for the next dimension yet.

This Lemurian relic above represents Christ Michael, and on the bottom there are 2 letters inscribed. The first letters is similar as the Hebrew word ‘Yahweh’. Therefore, we can infer Christ Michael is the Biblical god Yahweh from this relic.

As mentioned before, cicada is the messenger of God-Source. Therefore, you can see cicadas present in many Lemurian relics.
Cicadas stay inside the ground for 5 –17 years as nymphs and after moulting (shedding the skin), emerge as adults. The adult period lasts for less than one month, where they finally mate and die. Its life cycle is similar to humans, where humans live in the material world for a long time until they achieve moksha (enlightenment, freedom from samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth) and go to heaven.
My thought of cicada’s like is slightly different: those evil war criminals of the Galactic war were reborn as cicadas as a process of balancing the negative karma. Those who have gone against God’s will, killed life and harmed the peace of the universe should undergo a ‘long’time to balance out their karma. How long would it take them to be reborn as a human being?
Single-Consciousness (Avoid the Duality Concept)

The concentric cycle that Michael is carrying represents single-consciousness.
Single-consciousness is a concept where ‘I and God-creator are one as a whole, and we are not seperable.’ Only after achieveing single-consciousness enables you to upgrade into a higher dimension. After you realize you are single-consciousness, you will understand and God as the source of everything, and be thankful for all creation.
The God does not judge, and he does not distinguish between good and evil.
How about you?
Aren’t you evaluating people and judging them? Most of us live and think in the duality-consciousness, and few think they have God’s divinity in them.
You have to break the frame within you:
- Try to avoid being in duality-consciousness
Always pray to God-Creator
Try to take the middle way and not the extremes- do ‘good’ things and not cling to evil.
Try not to make enemies in your mind: always think ‘love your enemy,’ just like Jesus has taught humanity.
Try to give more to others and not expect them get back
Any emotions that you feel will be passed to your higher self, and this will ultimately be felt by the other person. You may put a poker face with a smile but your intentions can be known by others later on. Thus, you have to be true to yourself and think and make your mind in the same direction. Your mind reflects your motivation, the process and result, so any inconsistency will cause your heart in hypocrisy.
You can easily find dragon shaped relics in the Lemurian civilization. Why would they make relics out of an imaginary animal?
The dragon that we know is actually a holy animal, and it represents one of God's ‘avatars’. God-Creator (the Holy Trinity) exists as a huge conscious energy form.
In the material world, the ‘dragon’ represents the phenotype of the Holy Trinity. Thus, in the world that we see, the dragon represents the Holy Trinity. My spirit had seen the dragon in space, and it was so big it was beyond imagination.
Actually, there are more non-humanoid extraterrestrials than humanoids, and one of the majority of non-humanoid is the Reptilians. This fact may be related to the dragons as well. The history of Reptilians is longer than that of humans, and you should know the creation of humans is one of the latest species in the universe.
Humanity has its origin in the constellation Lyra.
The Relation with Big Dipper Constellation
Koreans have the belief of Big Dipper, and it goes like this:
The God, from the constellation of Big Dipper, came to Earth to establish the country and flourish civilization. The Koreans we know now have inherited this lineage, so Koreans are the ‘people of Heaven.’
The Lemurian relics above represent the relation of Big Dipper constellation and Christ Michael(represented as a calf). As you can infer, the theory (belief) is quite credible.

This relic shows ‘Chiwoo’, a modified version of the bull pattern. This pattern can be commonly seen during the World Cup game, where it symbolizes the ‘Red Devil’: mascot of the fans of the Korean team.
The civilization of Lemuria is the history of the People of Dongyi, and further, it has been one of the most advanced civilizations that existed on Earth.
Love, freedom, and peace were the spirits that Lemuria pursued, and in the future, the spirit of Lemuria will be re-established on the earth rising to the fifth dimension.
Now is the time for purification.(exorcism etc)
Now is the time for purification. It has become easy to see ghosts or any paranormal phenomena through internet broadcasting systems such as Youtube. Also, it has been much easier to capture (and record) them and also manipulate them better than the past.
Christ Michael
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