티스토리 뷰
Many of you have heard the term ‘666’ and ‘anti-chirst.’ Many religions claim as following: “soon the antichrist known as ‘666’ , the devil, will come to Earth, Armageddon will happen causing the destruction of mankind, and Jesus Christ, who is the God, will come from heaven and save humanity and bring peace.” Non-Christian religions also have a similar concept of doomsday and a savior coming to Earth to save the world.
Let me tell you-all of the story above is FAKE. There is no doomsday to humans, and you have to understand that any religion you may know or exist on Earth are just ‘fancy signs ’ that would lead humanity to the ‘wrong direction.’
Meaning of Christ
‘Chirst’ is not a synonym of ‘Jesus.’ The word ‘christ’ means ‘someone who has reached cosmic consciousness’ or ‘someone who has attained enlightenment.’ Therefore, anyone who have come to Earth and attained enlightenment and ascended to heaven (also known as ascended masters) can be called “chirst.” For example, Siddhartha, Jesus, Moses, Maria, Quan Yin, Lao Tzu, and Mohammed can be called ‘Siddhartha Christ’ , ‘Jesus Chirst’, ‘Moses Christ’ and so on.
Then, what does antichrist mean?
Those religions, who are the servants of Darkness, claim “anti-chist’ as the ‘enemy of Christ.’ The real meaning of antichrist is ‘someone who interrupts the achievement of cosmic consciousness.’ Therefore, Lucifer and fallen angels are THE anti-christ.
Christ = someone who has reached cosmic consciousness (attained enlightenment)
Antichrist = someone who interrupts the achievement of cosmic consciousness
Meaning of 666
“This calls for wisdom.
Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast,
for it is the number of a man.
That number is 666.” -Revelation 13:18
The Book of Revelation is an apocalyptic book that warns humanity for the upcoming final judgment and the reincarnation of The God, Christ Michael, which is commonly expressed as the “Second coming of Christ.” This book was intended for the future incarnated Christ Michael to recognize his identity as ‘666.’ In other words, it is a secret code book written for Christ Michael, to help him aid with his future missions.
As mentioned at the beginning of the book, Number 6 and 9 are the two numbers that are ‘universal’, and only God-Creator can use it to represent himself. The concept of Yin-Yang (Tae-guk in Korean) is also a union of 6 and 9. Also, number 6 stands for “alpha energy”, and number 9 stands for “omega energy.” Alpha is the beginning, and Omega is the end. If you turn the shape 6, it becomes 9 and visa-versa.
Yin Yang (Tae Guk) represents the infinite cycle of creation and destruction, which is the Law of universe itself.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end,” says the Lord God. “I am the One who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One.” -Revelation 1:8
666 is the secret code representing God(Yahweh), who will come as a ‘son of a man.’ This concept is based on the secret code of Ishkur, the reference for ‘Yahweh’ from the Sumerian civilization.
The ‘beast’ mentioned above is the golden calf, which is represented as the code 666:
600= the number of Annunaki who came to Earth
60 = the number representing Anu, the King of Nibiru
6 = the number representing Ishkur, who was the 6th in succession
Therefore, the interpretation of the Sumerian clay tablets by Sitchin is considered correct. I had the chance to read his book long after I found out my identity. You can find the more details about his interpretation of 666 in The Earth Chronicles.

Realization of 666
I began to find out my true identity starting in April of 2014, and I clearly figured out who I was on September 16th of 2014, which was the day I met Archangel Michael. From that day on, I became protected by the Angel-corps (the guardians of the Light forces).
In 2015, I moved to a new house in a rural area. Next to my house was bare land, and in 2016 a new owner built his house and moved in. I was surprised to find out his car number, which was ‘66 X 0666’. Is this a coincidence?
I believe everything that happened to me was all intended.
The year 2016 is the time when ‘666’ will come out to the world.
The Christians have implanted the concept of ‘666’ as antichrist, Satan and devil. It is ironic that Christians call the name of the God “Yahweh” while 666 is called the ‘devil and antichrist.’
Why is this irony still present in Christianity? The answer is simple: for the Dark forces, 666 is the one who is going to END their dominance of Earth and thus, evil to them. The Dark forces have been manipulating religion for thousands of years, and the Earth has been conquered by the Annunakis since a long time ago.
The Annunaki, the extraterrestrials from Nibiru, initially came to Earth to mine gold: an essential mineral needed to stabilize their atmosphere. After numerous wars and ultimately the nuclear war in the ancient past (at the time of Lemuria and Atlantis civilization), Earth became a harsh environment for life to continue. The majority of Annunakis fled to their home planet. Few of them, who still wanted to reign over Earth, decided to do so: these beings we know are Enki and his descendants, who were followers of Lucifer.
You may have heard the story of Ten Commandments, where ‘the Lord’ revealed it to Moses. Also, there is a verse where the Israelites were worshiping ‘the golden calf’ during Moses’ absence. The truth is, Moses received the Ten Words from an Annunaki - probably from Enki or his son, Marduk. The golden calf is the representation of God-Creator, and Moses was angry people were not worshiping the ‘alive gods’ that can be seen, the Annunaki.
The Darkness made every way to stop humankind from finding the true God. Also, they made humanity blasphemous by consuming beef, which is the animal symbolizing God-Creator.
So what is the truth of Marduk?
Marduk’s description is best described in the ‘Book of Enki.’ It is known that Hittites, the followers of Enril, once invaded Babylon and captured Marduk but spared his life. Blinded by the lust for power, Marduk later joined the forces of the fallen angels from the Orion constellation and dominated the gold mining business in Central and South America ,and finally killed those who were his opponents: the Light forces. This included Ishkur and his younger brother, Ningishzidda.
The roots of Illuminati and Religion
To sum up, Enki, Marduk and the followers-of-Annunaki were controlling humanity behind the scenes. Marduk married a woman, and his descendants, called ‘hybrid reptilians’ became the core of the secret government of the ‘Illuminati’. Enki was a partial reptilian because his mother was a Reptilian, from a Dragon race.
The “Greys’ we know are actually bio-robots made by the Annunaki. The Dark forces of Annunaki never come out into the world. Using the Greys, they monitor the Earth governments, pressure it, and secretly transfer space technology to the US secret government, The fallen angels, who live in the astral and other higher dimension, control the material would using the Annunakis, and the Annunakies use Greys to control the secret government (Illuminati), and the secret government controls over all the governments in the Earth continent. Therefore, you can say the high government officials are actually under control of the “secret government.” Then, why does Dark energy spread this bogus Antichrist concept and demonize '666'?
The Dark forces still want to dominate the Earth. You should know that both Enki and Marduk never claimed to be the God-Creator. Impersonating God-Creator is a serious sin that is never forgiven, and the punishment is soul extinction, which is eternal death. Impersonating ‘Yahweh’, not claiming the God-Source, was their preferred option because Hebrews grouped all Annunakis into a single word , “Yahweh," claiming as one divine god. Marduk tried to imitate Jesus, creating fictional myths and manipulating Earth history. Impersonating Jesus was a rather easier approach for the Dark forces because Jesus was not God itself. Christians put Jesus on the same level as God, forcing believers that “Jesus is God.” Currently , the majority of Christians think Jesus as ‘the Lord’, believe Jesus is the God, and the word ‘Christ’ as the synonym of Jesus. They falsely interpreted the Book of Revelation, arguing that the incarnation of Christ Michael, as son of a man, represented as code 666 is ‘anti-christ’, accusing him of being the number of Satan or devil. Marduk claimed to be ‘Jesus’ and fought against the ‘666, the antichrist.’
The Darkness tried to visualize the scene of ‘second coming of Jesus’ using high-tech hologram and get the full spiritual support from mankind. However, its plan was halted by my companion, the Angel-corps.
The planet Nibiru, previously on the Dark side, has changed into the Light side. The only Dark forces left are Annunakis that live on Earth and its descendants who are currently incarnated as humans.
In our solar system, religion only exists on Earth. Worshiping the God-Creator is the most important thing in the daily life routine of extraterrestrials (a.k.a aliens), and there is no need for religion or any media to communicate with God. In their perspective, humans on Earth might look barbaric and foolish- using an acting role (the religion) to communicate with God and worshiping the wrong deities.
Religion was made by the Dark forces in order to interrupt the direct communication between God-Creator and humans and hinder spiritual growth. If you recall history, religion such as Catholicism in the Middle Ages has been a powerful tool to control both politically, socially and also spiritually.
The religion you may see in your naked eyes might be full of good doctrine. However, many people use it as an excuse of wrongdoings and think they can be forgiven if you just believe in them or give tithe or alm. You have to be careful in what you believe, because any apex of these religions organization is controlled by the Darkness.
Believing in certain religions limits your thinking boundaries and they will block your self-realization, spiritual awakening and direct communication to the God-Creator.
Do you have a religion and do you still believe in salvation?
You have to BE AWAKENED, and understand that any religion you believe in will hinder you from salvation. The world is controlled by Lucifer and Dark forces, and they have made sure no-one can approach God-Creator or understand the concept of it , thus hindering mankind to find their ‘true parents.’
The level where God-Creator should be positioned is replaced by Jesus, Siddhartha, Virgin Mary and Mohammed. The religion we know is making you worship humans and not directly to the God-Creator or God-Source. They are making us use certain mediums – such as the ‘ascended masters – for prayals. Also, some mandate you to use a special kind of mantras or prayers which also forces you to make indirect contact (for example, using Jesus to pray to God and so on) with The God.
Religion is all unnecessary and foolish. The Aliens must be laughing at this situation that is happening on Earth. Maybe this world is possible because of our limited intelligence, due to our two-stranded DNA. Many of you, who believe in a specific religion, may deny my words. You may think that your religion is the truth.
Please understand, no salvation is possible if you are not in direct contact with God-Creator (God-Source.)
You have to pray and meditate alone, pray for yourself, pray to the God-Creator that is within you. You have to open the channels to God, receive the (spiritual) energy from the dimension above and enhance your spiritual growth. This is the only way to graduate from the material world and reincarnation.
Please be aware that this is the last advice I can give to you.
Will you believe the words of the God-Creator?
Or will you follow the religion that has been (secretly) deceiving you?
Anyone who does not follow my teachings will face eternal death.
Please read this article!
Now is the time for purification.(exorcism etc)
Now is the time for purification. It has become easy to see ghosts or any paranormal phenomena through internet broadcasting systems such as Youtube. Also, it has been much easier to capture (and record) them and also manipulate them better than the past.
Christ Michael
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