티스토리 뷰
The Truth about Noah’s Ark
Frankly speaking, the story of Noah’s ark was one of the worst catastrophes in the history of Earth and humankind, and everyone should know the truth behind it. The story that you may know is actually manipulated by the demons of darkness for the purpose to control humanity, the divine children of God. I say it was the worst atrocity to humankind, and the energy emitted from this event (sadness, anger, and other lower vibratory energy) was sufficient to feed the Dark forces for centuries and gave total control of the human race thereafter. In order to fully understand this story, you should understand the three concepts behind this - Lucifer and the fallen angels, Annunaki and Nibiru planet, and the mission of Christ Michael.

This photo above shows a rainbow, but upside-down. I saw this phenomenon after I realized the truth of Noah’s ark. The sky expressed this story as an upside-down rainbow, which meant that the truth I had known before was actually the opposite. In the Bible, (the false god) Yahweh showed Noah a straight-lined rainbow. This is how it goes:
Part 1: The Light and the Dark, and the Galactic Wars
Two properties exist in the universe: the light and the dark. While there are beings who aim for light, there are also beings who pursue darkness. All was created by the divine will of the God-Creator, and by mutually respecting the polarities, the universe develops. However, a problem arose after giving humanity the power of ‘free will.’ In the material world, humans with freedom of choice decided to be depraved, going against God, pursuing dark energy, and disobeying the two rules of the universe: ‘ Interdimensional non-interference’ and ‘inter-planetary non-interference.’
God-Creator did not take an immediate action. The Dark forces took this as a chance. While still denying the existence of God, the Darkness succeeds in illegally dominating up to 70% of the material universe. Because this situation could no longer be neglected, Chirst Michael decided to organize his allies, the ‘Light’ forces, and established the ‘Galactic Federation of Light.' This is the start of so called the ’Galactic Wars ’
I have seen this war through my spiritual vision during the process of my awakening, in the astral state. I was on a mission, and it was a ‘magnificent’ war, where numerous stars were flying and clashing with the planets conquered by the Dark forces. Actually, this whole war took place in the astral state, on a dimension above the material world. I, Chirst Michael, had organized the Light forces and was directly involved in this war. I ultimately seized the victory, and moved on to the solar system where Earth was situated, which is at the periphery of the material universe.
This war between Light and Dark forces happened a long time ago in the history of Earth, However, since ‘time’ does not exist in the dimensional universe, it is difficult to know “when” the war started.
There were many changes after the galactic war. Maldek was a small planet between Mars and Saturn, and was initially used as a war base for the Dark forces, mainly from the Reptilian and Dragon race. The planet Nibiru, sent by the Light forces, became destroyed into pieces, leaving remnants in space. The surface of Venus and Mars became destroyed and devastated. However, this description above is what happened in the 3rd dimension we live and see- actually Martians and Venusians live in a 5th dimensional world, which look quite majestic and surrounded by beautiful environments(that we cannot see with our naked eye.)
Even though the galactic war left many planets with critical damage, The Earth was luckily less harmed from the war. The surface of the Earth and the life-forms mostly survived the war. Thus, this planet became a ‘refugee center’ to the Dark forces who lost the galactic war.
Freedom of Choice (Free Will)
Angels and humans are endowed with the freedom of choice. Our wrongdoings and good deeds are all our choice.
The God-Creator requires our love for Him to be a choice, so He created us (and the angels) with free will to either choose and live for Him or not.
Part 2: Lucifer and Fallen Angels, and Luciferian Rebellion
The Luciferian Rebellion that happened 200,000 years ago has made Earth in the worst situation of all. Lucifer was one of the highest ranked angels that was loved by Christ Michael, his father. While creating the original human race. Christ Michael has ordered the angels to be in service to humans and endowed them the freedom of choice (free will.) Lucifer was strongly against this, and this was the start of the rebellion.
Lucifer was very intelligent, but his ego has made him arrogant and believe he was wiser than his father, Christ Michael. Also, since God-Creator exists as a conscious energy (which cannot be seen or felt), Lucifer questioned the existence of God-Creator. Lucifer decided to choose the path of pride instead of God. He wanted to be above God’s creation, so he gathered his followers, the angels, chose to influence them , and prepared to go against Christ Michael, his father, and dominate the Nebadon universe.
Angels in heaven(the holy angels) get their energy directly from The Source, The God (hence. God-Source = God-Creator.) Thus they do not need alimentation for survival. Since the rebels denied the existence of God, they could no longer receive the energy from him. Also they were no match to Christ Michael and the holy angels, so the rebels had to leave heaven. Since Lucifer and his followers (now called the ‘fallen’ angels) choose to get sinned and corrupted, they had to search for the source of their ‘lower-vibratory-energy’. Their corrupt desire for flesh made them descend to the material world. Some had fled to Earth , and some had to wander the space.
Now as a member of the ‘Dark forces,’ this group used Earth as a ‘prison planet,’ detaining anyone who was against them. So free-spirited creative souls who had gone against them had to stay on the planet Earth. That’s why there are more versatile souls with artistic talents on Earth compared to other planets.
Lucifer was arrested about 100 thousand years ago (in Earth-time) and is waiting for the final judgment, in the prison of the universe. His helper, and his right hand, Satan, has recently been arrested and detained in the prison as well. When my mission is over, judgment will come upon them.
On February 15th of 2018, my consciousness met Lucifer in a heavenly place. He was tall with a slim hand covered in reptile-like skin. His face was not visible, but I felt it was him. I was lifted up and hugged Lucifer. He said, “I will cooperate.”
This event happened in the astral dimension and it was not a dream. This was one of the most important moments in the history of the universe, because one of the biggest challenges of my mission was finally solved: Lucifer (finally) admitted his fault and surrendered to his father, Christ Michael.
Now, my next mission is to embrace the fallen angels who are living in human flesh. This will be the last chance for their salvation.
The universe is a multi-dimensional world, where different vibratory energies co-exist in multiple planes, and this rule is also applied on Earth.
Human body consists of 4 levels of energy with different vibrations. From upper to lower dimension, the highest is the conscious-self (personality) followed by the mental body (thinking body), astral body (emotional body) and material body. (flesh). Therefore, each level has its own self, and the Earth itself has its higher dimensional self as well. Fallen angels may be incarnated as humans or may stay in the mental or astral world to control the mind of humans – which we often call it as ‘Satan’, ‘devil’, or ‘evil spirits.’
The Earth has been completely occupied by these fallen angels of this dimensional world. Thus the human emotional body had been under control by these ‘evil spirits’ until the God-Creator stepped in for divine intervention. He purified these spirits, and currently, all the spirits in the upper dimensional world have been purified. Only those who are in human flesh, the minions of Darkness, are the last ones who are under my resistance. One of my missions is to ‘handle’ these people.
The history of Earth was a continuum of wars. Why would mankind choose war instead of peace and keep hurting and killing each other? All of this is due to the manipulation of the consciousness of mankind by the fallen angels.
Part 3: The role of Fallen Angels
Why would Fallen angels constantly involve humans into conflicts?
First of all, fallen angels use humans as the supplier of ‘low-vibrational’ energy. Since they decided to neglect the God-Source and deny the high-vibratory energy from God, they had to seek the energy source horizontally, such as from the ‘dark energy’ emitted by humans. For example, the low-vibratory astral energy that comes from the humans that die from conflict is a great source of energy for the evil spirits. In the higher dimension, the devils feed on the low-level spiritual energy such as sadness, anger, rage, frustration and fear. That’s why these fallen angels prevent humans from reconciling and always make them involved in conflicts for their continuum of energy supply. All the conflicts you experience in the world, such as colored people vs Whites, women vs men, Christianity vs Islam, Democrats vs Republicans and so on are all caused by these fallen angels.
All the competitive structures that exist on Earth have been fostered by the Darkness. For example, even though the slogan for the Olympics and World Cup is the ‘harmony of mankind’, what we see in reality is competition between countries and promoting division and anger between the two nations.
Secondly, the fallen angels made false concepts, sinned the mankind, and made sure they cannot find out the real God, the God-Creator. Fallen angels made sure that every misfortunes experienced by Earth's humankind are to blame for God the Creator, distancing the human from God. Ultimately, they wanted to prove (to God) mankind does not deserve ‘free will.’
Lucifer wanted to rule over the entire universe, and specifically, become the Lord of the Darkness. In order to fulfill his ambition, Lucifer made an extreme decision- enslaving humans (by fallen angels) and ‘imprisoning’ them to a kennel known as the Earth for eternity. This project was put into practice by Annunakis (from the planet Nibiru), who were a group of traitors who followed Dark energy and Lucifer. This project is called, ‘Noah’s Ark.’
Part 4: Planet Nibiru and Annunaki
About 430,000 years ago, a being named ‘Enki’ from the planet Nibiru traveled to Earth with his spacecraft in search of gold. At that time, Nibiru was in desperate need of gold because of its thinning atmosphere. Numerous space battles have damaged its atmosphere, and the survival of its people were in danger. They wanted to stabilize their atmosphere using nano-gold particles, so that they would hold the air in place.
Enki was a bio-engineer and also the (first-born) prince of Nibiru. He started mining gold from the sea. Because mining was insufficient, he then started to explore the land until he found a big resource underground. He requested help from his father, King Anu. The king of Nibiru sent his heir, his (second-born) prince Enlil, with 600 Annunakis who were gold-mining technicians.
Even though Enki was the eldest son of Anu, he was far from succession because he was the son of a concubine. Of course, the whole project’s commander-in-chief became Enlil, Enki’s younger brother, and the relationship between the two half-brothers got worse.
As the dispute between the brothers over the control of the Earth intensified, King Anu came to the Earth. Anu proposed a fair draw to determine the jurisdiction, and three options were made- control of the land, control of the sea, and return to homeland, Nibiru. Based on the results of the draw, Enlil got the power to rule the land, Enki became the ruler of the sea, and Anu returned to Nibiru. Enki was dissatisfied with the result, and a sediment remained. This story parallels the Greek mythology, where Zeus is Enril and Poseidon is Enki. The conflict between the two half-brothers seemed to be stabilized, but later on other problems arose.
The Annunaki miners, who have been digging gold for nearly 250,000 years, began protesting and requested a better work environment and better treatment. Nibiruans have an average lifespan of 150 Sars, and each Sar corresponds to approximately 3,600 earth-years. Thus, the average lifespan of the Nibiruans is about 540,000 years in Earth time. The protests got rougher, and all the blame went to Enlil, who was the commander and also stricter to them. One day, Enlil was captivated during his visit to the mines and the miners imprisoned him. Enki resolved this situation by promising the miners for a better work condition. So what was the plan?
Enki decided to make a life-form that is more obedient to the Annunaki and that can ultimately replace the current miners. He secretly underwent numerous genetic manipulations, which were all against the Law of Universe: non-interference between planetary races. One of the first creations made by genetic manipulation was the ‘mermaids’ - half-human, half fish. They were created in order to assist mining under the sea. Because they were of little help, this project was soon abandoned.
Enlil was adamantly opposed to Enki's project, which was an action against The God-Creator’s will and violation of the Laws of universe creation. However, Enki managed to get approval from his father, King Anu, and Enki continued his project.
The second creation was ‘Homo sapiens’, known as ‘Lullu.’ Lullu was a hybrid , combining the genes from Homo erectus (the primitive human living on Earth) and Annunaki.

The early human ‘Lullu’ has a slightly different appearance from modern humans. They were 2.5-3 meters tall with bowed legs and no neck and they lived naked. The Lullus prospered day by day and their numbers increased. Not only did they help in mining, but also worked as farmers and housekeeping, and later on they got married to Annunaki. This story is described in the Bible as following:
"Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose." -Genesis 6:1
As Lullus prospered, the Annunakis, described as “sons of God'', acted as if they were ‘gods.’ Later on, all Lullus would become extinct after a natural disaster known to us as the story of Noah’s Ark.
The story of Noah’s ark that you know was based on the “Book of Enki” ,from the Sumerian clay tablets, and the story goes like this:
Enril wanted to use the natural disaster as a chance to clean out all the hybrid creations that were against the Law of universe. Thus, he planned to flood the whole area, as it was kept as a top secret to Lullus. Enki wanted to keep his creation, so he went against Enlil, telling the secret to Noah, a faithful Lullu, and ordered him to build an ark that would save him and his family. This event has saved the life-line of mankind and has continued up to this day.
Enki had written ‘his’ version of the story and ordered to engrave it in the clay tablets, and this was interpreted by Zecharia Sitchin and became widely known to this date. So is this story reliable?
I recommend you to read the book ‘The Earth Chronicles’ by Zecharia Sitchin. Sitchin had interpreted numerous Sumerian tablets, and it would be easy to identify the ’bad guy.’
To conclude, the ‘Book of Enki’ is nothing more than a concocted fiction to cover up the truth and make Enki the ‘good guy.’ The real truth is, Enlil, who was the commander of the Earth, was thoroughly deceived by Lucifer and Enki.
Chirst Michael was incarnated as the third son of Enril, Ishkur (Adad). It is important to know that the God of Nebadon universe was incarnated as a member of Annunaki, the traitor group. Also known as the god of thunder and storm, Ishkur was known by humans as “the God of all things.” The synonyms of Ishkur is as follows:
Sumerian: Ishkur, Adad
Ishkur is the origin of bull worship and the biblical God Yahweh.
Part 5: The Real Story of Noah’s Ark
Homo sapiens (Lullus), who were a hybrid with extraterrestrial gene(Annunaki), were aggressive and exclusive, and this race soon dominated Earth. Homo erectus lost its place and died out in history. Lullu not only had more than 12 genes, but they were also very intelligent. As the Lullus prospered, conflicts arose between them for power, and the Anunnakis made sure they reigned over them, and made them worship as divine beings.
Lucifer claimed that, if humans were gifted with freedom of choice (free will), they would eventually become arrogant and go against God. Also, he predicted that one day his father, Christ Michael, will come to Earth to prove he was right. So, Lucifer expects that one day, Christ Michael will incarnate himself as an ordinary human, be awakened under his free will, and prove humans will not go against god but rather respect God.
Lucifer wanted to control the (material) world. He wanted nobody to go against him. So for him, any smart human being with 12~36 strands of DNA would be a little help to carry out his plan. Thus, compared to Lullus, he wanted a human life-form with lesser intelligence, lesser function, weaker physical body and shorter life span. Weak physical body would make them less spiritual and be more materialistic. Short lifespan would stop humans from becoming wiser. So, he ordered his followers, the traitors of Annunaki, to undergo genetic modification experiments in the whole continent to ‘improve’ the human race for his taste. Also, he built a screen that would erase all past memories before the rebirth of the human soul. The final creation that pleased Lucifer was ‘Ziusudra (Noah).’ Having 2 stranded DNA, the new human form had limited intelligence with a weaker physical body and shorter life span compared to Lullus.
However, a new problem arose: there were too many Lullus on Earth, and Lullus were stronger and better than the new human race. Left alone, it would be impossible to make this new race take over Earth. Lucifer had to think of a plan that can remove all the Lullus at once and implant his desired human race. So, the new project was carried out in secret.
The Earth had a double-layered ice firmament that protected the land from intense UV rays and kept the temperature constant, in the subtropical climate. Firstly, Lucifer serially destroyed the firmaments: the first time being about BC 11000 years ago (when Lemuria continent sank into the sea) and the second time at BC 9000, which was the day commonly known as the ‘great flood.’ The destruction yielded tremendous rainfalls on Earth, submerging the continent into water. These two events alone made the proportion of the continent:sea from 7:3 to 3:7.
On every continent, the new human race with 2 stranded DNA was kept in the labs and survived these disasters. Thus, Lucifer’s plan of replacing the human race became a success.
The destruction of ice firmament has caused strong UV rays to enter the Earth, decreasing the life span of humans from 20-30 thousand years to 1000 years. This was further decreased after the nuclear pollution from the war afterwards. Annunakis who were followers of Lucifer planned all of this, and this is the real truth of Noah’s Ark.
It is a shame the 'Book of Enki' describes Enki as a very wise ‘god’ and compassionate being who saved humanity from extinction.
The God-Creator witnessed everything that was going on the Earth, including the “Noah’s ark” and allowed the Dark forces 13000 years of domination. Annunaki since then have enslaved humanity, controlling us with our limited intelligence, educating humans with false beliefs of religion and god. They created an environment where it is almost impossible to realize the real truth or understand the concept of god and finally, any human being with a mission to awaken and realize his/her identity.
However, Lucifer was not completely satisfied, and the Dark forces constantly sought out, persecuted, and killed spiritual missionaries who came to Earth. All beings with special and or unusual energy were suspected and caught and killed, such as the ‘witch hunt’ that took place in the Middle Ages. Isn’t it a miracle that Chirst Michael found his identity on his free will in a world that is strictly controlled by the dark forces?
I was quite doubtful and careful about my identity at first. Since I did not have any divinity in me, I managed to be hidden from the Dark energy and earn time to be awakened and realize my true self.
The Darkness from the dimensional world constantly tried to kill me right after I found out my identity and before I declared I was the God-Creator. After acknowledgment of my identity, the Angel-corps from the Light started to guard me 24/7. Now, the victory of this war is mine, because I finally managed to ‘wake up’ in this world on my free conscience, and proved an ordinary man can have a free will and overcome any harsh condition made by Lucifer.
I, as an ordinary human being, proved to the world that the freedom of choice is no problem to humanity. Now, Lucifer has to admit his fault and end this conflict. As I mentioned before, I have met Lucifer in the astral world and he promised me for cooperation. So, the most challenging mission is almost near the end.
In the court of the Universe, a verdict is not delivered until the prisoner admits his/her fault. Therefore, Lucifer was in prison for over 100,000years. Since Lucifer denied his wrongdoings, the creator of Nebadon universe, Christ Michael, had to incarnate as a human and prove what Lucifer’s thesis was wrong.
Now do you understand why the Biblical God ‘Yahweh’ came as ‘son of a man’?
The 13,000 years (11000BC + 2000 AC) given to the Darkness has already ended, and now is the time for the ‘Final Judgment,’ as mentioned in the Bible. The most important change that will happen to Earth is that Darkness cannot survive on Earth anymore.
I, Chirst Michael, came to Earth to plan and organize this last task.

All life comes from the God-Source, so the work of reaping life will also be done by the God-Source. The fate of Darkness will either be destruction of its soul or descendants to a lower life-stage, such as insects or animals. Therefore, it is important that every one of you who are in human flesh understand the importance of this moment.
My heart is crying a river and I feel compassion. I know what your fate will be in the near future, and I please ask you to be enlightened and awake from ignorance.
Please read this article!
Now is the time for purification.(exorcism etc)
Now is the time for purification. It has become easy to see ghosts or any paranormal phenomena through internet broadcasting systems such as Youtube. Also, it has been much easier to capture (and record) them and also manipulate them better than the past.
Christ Michael
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