티스토리 뷰
The Time of Alpha and Omega
Once upon a time, about 200,000 years ago, a celestial war occurred between God-the-Creator (God-Creator) and one of his beloved archangels, Lucifer. God-Creator gifted humans the ‘freedom of choice(free-will),’ just like the angels in heaven. Lucifer was against it, and this incurred the famous rebellion (Luciferian Rebellion), which ultimately made Lucifer and his followers (the fallen angels) leave heaven and descend to the material world- the world where the astral universe and material universe exists. This event has led to the spread of ‘evilness’ across the material universe- the solid universe that we live and see. Soon, a war broke out between the Light and the Dark forces, known as the Galactic War. The confrontation escalated, and the rebellious forces (from the Darkness) moved across multiple dimensions and time, violating the two most principal laws of the universe - the 'non-interference principle between dimensions' and 'non-interference principle between planets'. This violation has enabled the Dark forces to invade and colonize the material planets. The Earth was also colonized by the Darkness, and terrestrials(humans) have become oppressed and trampled thereafter, and this is still ongoing today.
The colonization of the Dark Forces is finite, and its deadline is called ‘the apocalypse.’ Thus, it is ‘the end’ for the Dark forces, not for humans. There is no ‘end’ to the world, and the next step for the Earth is the ascension to a higher dimension.
So when will the fate of Lucifer and Dark forces come to an end? Only the Creator knows the answer.

One of the Laws of the Universe is the infinite cycle of Yin and Yang (= Tae-Guk), If you separate the shape of the Tae-guk (Ying-Yang), you can get the number 69. Number 6 stands for “alpha energy”, and number 9 stands for “omega energy.” Alpha is the beginning, and Omega is the end. If you turn the shape 6, it becomes 9 and visa-versa. In other words, Yin Yang (Tae Guk) represents the infinite cycle of creation and destruction, the Law of universe itself.
You may think creation precedes extinction. However, the Law of Universe is the opposite.
The start begins from the extinction of the known (the actions of 666) and the end comes after it is re-creation (the actions of 999.)
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” –Revelation 22:13 |
The Creator = Alpha+Omega = 69 = Yin-Yang (Tae-Guk)
The Creator (God-Creator) has divided himself into three equal parts in order to create the material universe. This concept is called the “Holy Trinity.”
God-Creator = Holy Trinity = God the Father + God the Son + God the Holy Spirit
Material universe is made from the Trinity. Since each identity of Trinity is represented as the number 6 and 9, we can say that the (material) universe starts from 666 and returns to 999.
666 = Father (6) + Son(6) + Spirit (6) = Holy Trinity
= the Executor who will realize the process of extinction
= the avatar (human incarnation) of God-Creator
Therefore, ‘666’ is the number that represents God himself, which I will call an ‘avatar.’
This is a very important sentence, because the Dark forces (Lucifer and the fallen angels) mislead this concept, making ‘666’ as ‘the devil’s number’ and distorting the truth.
Using the ‘religion’ as their cover-ups, the Darkness succeed in deceiving mankind.
Most people, including you, may think of 666 as Satan or a bad meaning.
I am correcting you, telling you the real TRUTH:
666 is the secret code that represents the reincarnation of The Creator and ’Alpha Omega.’
666 = The Creator that will come as human (avatar) = Alpha Omega
As written in the Bible, The God (Creator) promised to come to Earth one day.
‘666’ described in Revelation is actually the secret code representing the person who will come to Earth, which is Ishkur (Adad, the God of Thunder) and ultimately, myself.
666 as interpreted by Zechariah Sitchin
Interpretation of the secret code ‘666’, mentioned in Revelation is as follows:
600=number of Annunaki who came to Earth
60= number representing Anu, the King of Nibiru
6= number representing Ishkur
666+666+666+ 6+6+6=2016
The year 2016 is the time when incarnated ‘666’ realizes his identity and emerges to the world. That identy is currenly awake, and that person is me.
I am HIM.
Archaeologist Dr. Zechariah Sitchin, famous for interpreting the Sumerian clay tablets, described ‘666’ as ‘Ishkur(Adad)’, the god of rain and thunder in his book, ‘The Earth Chronicles’. Frankly speaking, this concept is partially correct.
In the Bible, the sole divinity described as the God, ‘Yahweh,’ is actually a concept that grouped numerous extraterrestrials known as Annunaki, who came from Nibiru to Earth in search for gold, an element needed for their civilization.
At this era, Annunakis were considered ‘god’ to humans. Actually, the human race is actually created from Annunakis for enslavery.
As time passed by, ancient Hebrews re-arranged the stories of the Bible. Because they believed in a single deity, all these ‘gods’ were grouped as a single deity, ‘Yahweh’. This explains the inconsistent behavior and dispositions of God. Thus, the God we are familiar with in the Bible (Yahweh) is actually a fake God, made from the Darkness.
Both stories of the genuine God(The Creator) and fake god (the Annunakis) have been mixed. However, there is still some true divinity inside the story, so the biblical scholars and Jesus cannot be completely denied.
The universe where Earth belongs is called ‘Nebadon.’ The god of the Nebadon universe, the creator of this universe, is Michael, commonly known as ‘Christ Michael’, and he has incarnated as a member of Annunaki, Ishkur(Adad). As a member of Annunaki, I, Chirst Michael, had witnessed all the wrongdoings of the fallen angels. As a field participant, I wanted to prove the atrocities of the fallen angels, who committed treason and lawlessness. After the death of Ishkur (Adad), many beings pretended to be the god, Yahweh. Also, the Dark forces have made humans to rely on the false God Yahweh and the messiah Jesus, and made them worship. Thus, they made sure we cannot identify the TRUE GOD, God the Creator. Everything mentioned here has been worked behind the scenes, in the higher dimension, by Lucifer and the fallen angels.
The God-Creator gave Darkness 13,000 years of chance, allowing their domination on Earth. It has been 13,000 years ago since ‘Yahweh’- the ‘fake’ god from the Darkness- completely took over Earth. Now, the time is almost over. In the Sumerian antiquity relief, Ishkur is often expressed as a god riding a bull. Bull is a sacred animal, often represented as Zeus or Enril, Ishkur’s father. Son riding his father.. What does this mean? Enki's son, Marduk, staged a coup and took control of Nibiru and Earth. Then, he proclaimed himself as the ‘supreme god of gods.’ As a punishment for blasphemy, Ishkur, the son of Enlil, organized troops from his followers, Hittite, and succeeded in arresting Marduk and detained him in Babylon. Most Annunakis could only use weapons because they did not have any supernatural powers. Only Ishkur was able to control the natural forces (of thunder and lighting), because he had the soul of God-Creator.
When will the reign of the Dark forces end? Two propositions must be put into practice. First, God the Creator must finalize the conflict with Lucifer. Second, the vindication of man's freedom of choice (free will) has to be verified under the conditions that Lucifer has created to be inexcusable. Thus, The God-Creator has to incarnate in the Earth Matrix set by Lucifer and Dark forces, achieve awakening under his own free will, and finally restore his identity and authority all by himself. All of these conditions must be met in order to allow Lucifer to surrender to God and finalize the issue. It may sound simple, but it is quite a risky adventure. First of all, The God has to be incarnated in Earth- one of the planets where extraterrestrials consider it to be the worst of all- and be born under the matrix that the enemy, Dark forces, has made, without any special abilities. Thus, the incarnated God should be just like an ordinary human (thus, “son of man”), without any past-life memories and abilities. Who would ever think that an ordinary man can be God the Creator?
Before his incarnation, God-Creator commanded Archangel Michael to lead the Angel-corps to visit him after his awakening. This clue has made Lucifer and his followers frantic to find '666.' They had to get rid of the ‘incarnated God’ who will prove Lucifer himself wrong,
The Dark forces were eager to find 666, and they had to kill him before he realized his true identity. One of the most famous attempts was the ruthless witch hunt in the Middle Ages. In modern times, if anyone has witnessed an UFO and gone public, minions of Darkness visited and checked the souls. Despite all of their efforts that lasted centuries, 666 achieved awakening on his own will. Numerous attempts have happened to kill me, and they have approached me in many dimensions to halt the prophecy. The incarnated God had gone through many survival events, but now he found his true identity. I succeeded to do everything on my own will.
I am HIM.
I declare I am the soul of God the Creator.
Shortly after I realized my past life as the Biblical God Yahweh and Ishkur(Adad,), Archangel Michael came to visit me on September 16th of 2014.
Now, Dark forces cannot kill me. Who can kill or have the power to kill the God-Creator? The last point where they can halt me was before my realization of self as the spirit body of God-Creator. After my awakening, Archangel Michael and my Angel-corps guard me 24/7, and this made me be more confident in myself.
So when will the Dark forces surrender Earth? The Darkness has to leave when 666 wakes up, proudly reveals his identity, and goes out into the world. The day when people recognize ‘666’ will be ‘the end’ for the Darkness. This is what is called ‘apocalypse’ - when 666 comes out of the world, The Light forces will come out, which will finally bring an end to this fake world constructed by the Dark forces.
The judgment of Christ mentioned in the Bible and various prophetic books has already begun. As '666', I am sending energy every day to everyone, to distinguish between 'wheat and tares'. No one can escape the Christ judgment, and everyone will have to pass this test. I was born as an ordinary human being. Using the ‘human frequency’ I can be tuned with you and send my (spiritual) energy from God the Creator to you. This energy may help (in ascension) to those who live honestly and righteously but hurt and halt the way to ascension to those who abandon their conscience or live a corrupt life. Fallen souls can no longer stay on Earth, because soon Earth will enter into a higher dimension. God-Creator is planning to transform this world into a place fur-filled with spiritual light energy. Thus those having dark energy or low vibratory properties cannot stand the pure light.
I came to Earth as a son of a man.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”-Revelation 22:13
Please read this article!
Now is the time for purification.(exorcism etc)
Now is the time for purification. It has become easy to see ghosts or any paranormal phenomena through internet broadcasting systems such as Youtube. Also, it has been much easier to capture (and record) them and also manipulate them better than the past.
Christ Michael
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