The Underground World and Civilization About 4.5 million years ago, the first human race was transplanted to Earth by Archangel Michael. This was the beginning of the Lemurian civilization, and the Lemurian civilization was a super ancient civilization that existed from 4.5 million years ago to about 11,000 years ago. The Lemurian civilization was a complex civilization established by members of..

The tales of Lemuria and Atlantis civilization are actually true cultures that existed on Earth. Lemuria was a colonization of the Light Forces. It involved most of the continent in the Pacific Ocean we know today, from China, Korea, Japan, Australia to Hawaii. These were once a single continent. Lemurian people enjoyed the peace of mind, lived by the divine law, and encouraged spiritual growth...

Understanding the Concept of God Everything comes from God; everything exists by his power; and everything is intended for his glory.” – Romans 11:36. “Yet for us there is [only] one God, the Father, Who is the Source of all things.…” (1 Corinthians 8:6) I call ‘The God’ as God-the-Creator, The Lord who created The Universe, which is The God of all Source. Shortly, I will refer to him as God, Go..